
Friday, May 1, 2020

A Little Beautiful Bird with an Emotional Soul and Hope in a Dense Forest - Soul Stories

Once upon a time there is a little soul with two wings and a tiny Orange colored nose.A very small beautiful singing creation of God.Small Yellow and Brown feathered bird keeps on singing Joyful songs all day. Her Name is "Bonny - A Sparrow”.

Bonny lives in a dense Forest. Her house is a tiny Wooden hole on a big banyan tree’s stem.This was her Mother's place earlier. Bonny was very sad and having a pain of detachment from her Parents. During the summer and fall Bonny and her family gathers Grass seeds and stores them for the coming Winter season. 

One day, when Bonny returned home from the Grass seeds collection, her parents left their small tiny place.Bonny  did not know where they went and they never returned back.

Bonny was alone in the nest and depressed due to sudden loneliness.Bonny started weeping and her tiny Nest totally filled with her tears. Now there is no Dry place for her in the Nest. She is not feeling that warmth of her Mother’s Love anymore

Every morning Bonny wakes up and takes a step out of her tiny shelter and waits for Morning Ray.She Hopes that A Morning Ray will warm her Nest and bring the light to her life. 

But she never sees Ray visiting her nest.Heavily grown Big Banyan tree with full of Branches and leaves around it, covers and resists the Ray to enter into the nest. It’s a huge dense Forest with more and more trees grown to heights and thick. So the Ray that Bonny wanted to see  in the morning never reached her Nest. 

Bonny never lost her Hope, every morning Bonny looks up and believes 
that one day she will see the First Ray falling in her Nest. A Golden and reddish shining light comes to her nest and her little tiny Nest will be more beautiful and warm again. Bonny’s hope and faith are very strong and she never failed in keeping her hope.

She waits to see that Shiny Golden light coming to her Beautiful Nest every morning.Where her Future is built and her succession may Grow.

All of sudden one day there is a sudden visitor to that dense forest. Winds started hitting all the trees around Big Banyan tree.Winds , Storms , people said this is the biggest cyclone on earth till now.Dense Forest never witnessed such a huge cyclone in her life before.With such a hit by the storms and winds, dense forest was not able to manage its resources. 

All the Animals, Birds and other living Creatures were afraid for their life.Everywhere trees are falling down. Many creatures in that forest lost their home.Most of them were worried about food and shelter for their family. Everywhere it’s fear of death prevailed. Many animals were praying to God to save them from this cyclone.  

Babies are crying for food and starvation surrounded by deadly winds and noise.It’s chaos everywhere. Elders of the society are saying that,we never saw such starvation and deaths in our life.Leaders of the forest are running for the help of poor and sick animals.But they were not able to reach all corners.There are many tiny poor creatures still starving and dying. Fear Fear Fear... Everyone around has Fear on their faces.

During the difficult time , our Bonny was alone.  Her parents left her.Though she is not a dependent anymore on someone else.But she is fighting this battle for the first time in her life.She always had a warmth under her mother's wings. But now she is facing the cold winds alone. Her father used to feed her.But now, she is feeding the birds and creatures who lost their homes due to evil winds.

In the difficult time Bonny did not sit alone in the wooden cave. She came out and started helping her neighboring birds and small creatures. She left some food at the bottom of the stem, for the home drowned Ants. She opens doors for other Birds, who lost their homes into her tiny wooden cave. She's now not a little fearing Bird anymore.For those whom she helped,
She is a brave young Sparrow with Courageous heart.

Her beautiful tiny Orange Nose is now turned into Dark Brown by the force she applied to remove the fallen branches on the Ants colony.And it is not any more a delicate limb for her, but a strong weapon for her to Quickly cut the undaunted branches fallen on her Nest.

Her little delicate Feathery wings have grown now stronger. Supporting her to fly in even in the stormy winds .
Also to cover little tiny bird lings under her wings those who lost their parents. She is now enjoying the Happiness of being strong in her Heart. She is joyful now for the help she could do to her neighbors.

After a week, the deadly cyclone started calming down.Violently matured cyclone started decaying. Grass is fully wet on the ground still.Grass seeds are crushed into mud and few are blown to Wind. The terrible Winds have calmed down and are no longer making scary noises. Everything around is quiet now. A deep Silence and relaxation after Storm.  

A day after, The Morning SUN rose from night. Our little Bonny came out and looked at the sky through the leaves of the Big Banyan tree. She looked around and saw happy faces with gratitude around her, for the Help they received
A ray touched her forehead from there it went down to her Chest and kissed her feet. Warm Ray spread into all over her nest. She felt that warmth of Ray, her long waiting Love. She is happy now, that finally she could receive the warmth of first Ray. 

Due to the massive cyclone hit,  Many branches of the big Banyan tree fallen. The trees covering Big banyan stem also bent a little due to force Winds.Whole forest is happy now after they suffered from the last week, even our Bonny.But still this cyclone taught her a new Joy of sharing and caring. 

Her Faith has not failed, Her Hope received an answer today. Bonny is happy even after a week of encounter with Cyclone and Death. One single Ray to her nest made a great change in her life. From that day every first Ray visits her and keeps her Nest warm every morning.

Storms may Come and Go in lives.But Bonny did not lose her Hope. Little Bonny is a Happy heart now.
Life comes with Hope and Help. Keep your Hope alive and start Helping others. Your every morning will be a warm and Joyful morning.